Dear colleagues,
Within the framework of Work Package 3, Activity 3 (WP3A3) of the HAS project (“Healthy at school. Supporting the well-being and mental health of students and teachers” / HAS, Erasmus+, 2022-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000085347), together with the development and implementation of the document “Training program for staff in educational organizations – How to increase the capacity of staff?”, the project partners organized an international conference in Bulgaria. The purpose of the conference was to gather the project partners and different stakeholders in the field of education, in order to present and discuss the results achieved, both within the specific WP3A3 activity, and in relation to the results of the entire HAS project.
The HAS international conference was organized by the Association of Psychologists in Bulgaria.
The conference was held in the period 22-23 June 2024 in the Conference Hall of the Detelina Hotel, Golden Sands, Varna.
Preparation and holding of a conference – Experts from the project team participate, as well as 3 teachers/employees from each partner school who participate in the conference.
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