Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to introduce you to the final version of the Training program for staff in educational organizations. How to increase the capacity of staff? WP3A3
developed under the project Healthy at School. Support for the well-being and mental health of students and teachers 2022-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000085347, Erasmus+.
You can download it from here …..WP3A3-Training program-EN-final-sl
This product’s specific objectives are development of key competencies and “basic skills”; expanding the multi-spectrum horizons of teachers, their additional knowledge and skills related to development and prosperity and development of international relations and cross border cooperation.
The document contains motivational trainings for school/educational staff in 3 main areas:
– Improving personal development (Personality-motivational and potential development, addressing deficits and needs);
– Increasing professional development (Roles, dealing with burnout and rotation, the forecasting process);
– Career development and inclusion in EU projects and international networks, incl. Erasmus+.
It is important to mention that as part of this project each partner educational organization developed an individual motivational training program based on their staff needs and following this document as a guideline. They piloted the training program with an average 50 staff members from each school. The training program was piloted with more than 150 employees in educational organizations from Bulgaria, Cyprus and Poland with highly positive feedback.
Developed training program
Conducted motivational trainings for school staff in 3 areas
– Personality-motivational, potential and deficits, needs.
– Roles, burnout and rotation, the forecasting process.
– Career development and EU projects and networks, incl. Erasmus +.
Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are entirely those of their author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA is responsible for them.